Prostatitis is a complex but curable disease. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, as self-treatment can lead to serious complications - infertility, impotence, oncological complications and death. Modern drugs for the treatment of prostatitis fight the disease quickly and effectively. The drug method is the leading method of therapy and is widely used in different stages of the disease.

Medical treatment of prostatitis
The use of certain drugs and their effectiveness depend on the causative agent, the form of the disease and the extent of its course. Antibiotics are widely used to treat bacterial prostatitis in both acute and chronic forms. Medicines are also effective against abacterial prostatitis if the disease is persistent.

A complex technique is used to treat the prostate and a number of drugs are prescribed, which fall into different groups according to the exposure method and therapeutic effect:
- antibiotics or other antibacterial drugs;
- spasms and pain relievers;
- adrenaline blockers, which reduce the tone of muscle tissue;
- immunomodulators that stimulate the activity of the immune system;
- hormonal and antihistamines;
- vitamin and mineral complexes;
- anticholinergic drugs.
Each appointment is made by a urologist based on the results of examinations and tests. Treatment includes:
- stop inflammatory processes;
- to alleviate the patient's well-being;
- eliminating the causes of the disease.
Complex drug therapy is usually used, including several types of drugs, the details of which are given in the table.
Types of drugs | Description | Its goal |
Antibiotics | It kills disease-causing gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The main remedy. | It is effective when a bacterial infection is detected. They are prescribed based on the analysis of the secret and the antibiogram, which determines the sensitivity of the microbe to the drug. |
Immunomodulators | It restores the body's protective functions and activates immunocompetent cells. | Recommended in case of reduced immunity, it is almost always used to treat severe forms of prostatitis. It is effective for viral, helminthic and allergic inflammation of the prostate. |
Alpha blockers | It blocks the interaction of adrenoreceptors with adrenaline and norepinephrine. They belong to the second line of therapy. | It is prescribed to reduce the tone of the prostate, blood vessels and bladder, which occurs due to an imbalance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. |
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs | Anti-inflammatory drugs. They prevent the formation of prostaglandins, which cause fever, cramps and muscle pain, which causes dysfunction of the urogenital system. | It is used as an additional drug for symptomatic treatment in the complex drug therapy of acute and chronic diseases. |
Pain relievers | Analgesics that relieve pain syndromes cause relief. The pain subsides for a while. | Discharged for pain relief, in various places, described as unbearable. |
Herbal tablets | They are made from natural plant or animal materials. | They are used as complementary medicines and for prophylactic purposes. |
Each group of drugs is described in detail below, but it should be borne in mind that this information is for informational purposes only, all appointments are prescribed by a urologist, and the treatment is carried out under his supervision.
Antibiotics in the treatment of prostatitis
Antibiotics are the mainstay of medical treatment for bacterial prostatitis. Depending on the causative agent, the presence or absence of accompanying infectious diseases, and the certain course of abacterial inflammation of the prostate, the attending physician may decide on their appointment. Primarily, broad-spectrum drugs are used. Taking into account the severity of the course of the disease, drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets, intramuscular or intravenous injections, drips.

Treatment of acute prostatitis without antibiotics is ineffective, since this disease is most often caused by bacterial infections. The use of this group of drugs makes it possible to control the disease. The duration of the course is about two weeks, the relief can be felt already in the first days.
The situation in the treatment of chronic prostatitis is much more complicated. In this case, an antibiotic is prescribed depending on the indication of CFU in the gonad expressum, against the background of an increase in leukocytes. The course is longer, it can be 6-8 weeks. The selection of the drug should be based on the indications of the antibiogram.
In case of asymptomatic prostatitis, antibiotics are prescribed only according to the indications:
- infertility;
- before surgery;
- before taking prostate tissue for biopsy;
- when identifying pathogens such as gonorrhea or chlamydia.
The use of antibiotics is also necessary if non-bacterial prostatitis is caused by parasitic or fungal infections, in the background of other bacterial diseases, etc.
Important! Antibiotic treatment should be accompanied by antifungal agents and eubiotics, which are necessary to restore the intestinal microflora.
Why are immunomodulators prescribed to treat prostatitis?

Prostatitis is a serious disease, as a result of which the body's defense functions are significantly weakened. Especially in case of chronic prostatitis, when the immune system is working on the limit. Preparations that stimulate its work significantly speed up the healing process, regardless of the type and form of prostatitis. They work effectively in viral damage when antibiotics are powerless.
Improper prescribing of immunostimulants can adversely affect the patient's health, so an experienced immunologist should be consulted.
Important! To obtain accurate information about the state of the immune system, an immunogram is recommended.
The duration of treatment should not exceed two weeks. You cannot take two types of immunomodulators at the same time, which have a similar effect.
For categories such as viral and allergic prostatitis, as well as diseases resulting from the attack of protozoans and worms, which are accompanied by a sharp and inevitable decrease in immunity, the selection and use of immunostimulating drugs is essential for successful treatment.
Alpha-blockers and their application characteristics in the treatment of prostatitis

During the development of inflammation of the prostate, problems with urination inevitably arise, this is due to the high tone of the muscle tissues of the urogenital system. To remove the problem, you need to relax the muscles. For this purpose, alpha-adrenergic blockers are used, which block the release of adrenaline, smooth the muscle tissue and act on the receptors of the bladder and prostate.
Alpha-blockers belong to the second line of drugs and are used as symptomatic treatment in complex drug therapy. Their activity is aimed at normalizing intraurethral pressure, reducing the tone of the bladder and neck, as well as the smooth muscle of the prostate gland. As a result, the symptoms are reduced, which manifests itself in the form of frequent and painful urination.
Medicines are 48-80% effective after taking:
- the process of urine outflow is normalized;
- pain decreases;
- sexual desire returns;
- stagnation of blood in the pelvis stops;
- decreased benign hyperplasia.
Medicines of this group are used not only in urology, but are also widely used in the treatment of other diseases. The duration of the treatment is determined by the attending physician.
All alpha-blocking drugs can be divided into two groups:
- Selective with minimal side effects. It selectively blocks alpha-1-adrenergic receptors in the bladder and prostate. It often causes retrograde ejaculation.
- It is not selective, affects the sensitivity of all alpha-receptors, has a pronounced effect not only on the urinary organs, but also on the central nervous system.
The use of alpha-blockers in the treatment of prostatitis significantly increases the effectiveness of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, and allows you to speed up the healing time of the patient. They are especially necessary for patients with prostatitis.
There are contraindications for use, ignoring them can lead to orthostatic collapse and other serious consequences. It is equally important to follow the rules for combining the drug with other drugs.
Attention! The decision to add alpha-blockers to therapy can only be made by the attending physician.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
These drugs relieve inflammation, reduce temperature and neutralize pain, and can only be considered as complementary drugs. As a result of their use, the production of prostaglandins, which play a role in the development of inflammation, is suppressed. After taking NSAIDs, the intensity of the inflammatory process decreases significantly, as well as:
- hyperemia decreases and blood flow to the glandular tissue is restored;
- relieves pain and stops spasms;
- the temperature drops, the febrile state stops.
The appointment is made by the attending physician, in emergency cases, for example a one-time independent appointment. Without complex medical treatment, these drugs, if used without a prescription, will only worsen the health condition.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are available in the following dosage forms:
- tablets;
- candles;
- injections.

Relief occurs within 10-30 minutes after taking the desired drug. In case of discomfort and discomfort caused by the use of the medicine, you should consult a doctor immediately. Medicines based on ibuprofen, ketoprofen, and diclofenac are the most popular in the treatment of urological diseases, as they have the fewest side effects and, at the same time, are particularly effective.
Combined rectal suppositories (candles melted at body temperature), which can contain antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory substances, have a significant effect on the course of the disease.
The first place in the popularity rating of drugs based on diclofenac.
Painkillers for prostatitis
The most popular pain relievers in the treatment of prostatitis are pain relievers.
Another dosage form - suppositories - is more effective than tablets, as it acts directly on the affected area. The leading positions are occupied by novocaine preparations, however, their independent use is unacceptable, since accurate calculation of the dosage is necessary, otherwise allergic reactions may occur. An overdose is also possible, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, hallucinations, convulsions, fear, panic, etc.
Candles with belladonna not only anesthetize, but also have an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Effective tools that are available in the form of suppositories, tablets and injections.
Many anti-inflammatory drugs, including rectal suppositories, are pain relievers.
Frequent use of painkillers is extremely dangerous because it can easily lead to complications. A reasonable one-time bet to relieve unbearable pain.
Should I take herbal tablets?

Medicines made from natural ingredients are significantly different from their "synthetic counterparts". The advantages of herbal medicines: unique, native (unaltered) composition rich in biologically active active ingredients, high bioavailability of medicines, low allergenicity and environmental friendliness.
Homeopathic and herbal preparations are very popular, but instead of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, they are not only ineffective, but also harmful to health.
As part of complex therapy, these drugs are safe and do not harm the body. However, their reception must be agreed with the treating urologist.
In order to achieve the effect, herbal preparations must be taken for many months, during which time acute prostatitis can turn into a chronic stage, and advanced forms can become complicated, develop into diseases requiring surgical treatment, or even become the cause of oncology.
Prevention with herbal preparations
The use of herbal preparations in any form is justified if they are used exclusively as a complementary tool. Good results can be achieved in cases where homeopathy is used for prevention and as a home application after full medical treatment.
Herbal preparations have the following properties:
- Uroseptic effect, tablets and teas tansy, centaury, bearberry. Thanks to them, the tissues of the prostate are cleansed of bacteria, viruses and toxins resulting from their vital activity.
- It suppresses inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. For its production, marigold, yarrow, bearberry, St. John's wort and sage.
- Improving blood circulation and eliminating prostate congestion can be achieved with the help of chestnut and clover-based tablets.
- The immune system is maintained with the help of ginger, ginseng, mint and lemon.

Taking special preventive medicines is recommended for men at risk: vitamin and mineral complexes, dietary supplements, herbal preparations - tablets, suppositories, herbal preparations. They are also suitable for restoring health and potency after drug treatment.
The target of preventive agents can be narrow, or they can have a broad spectrum of effects. As with medicinal purposes, all prescriptions for the prevention of disease are made by a doctor. Even the most harmless products can harm your health if not used properly.
Rehabilitation after illness does not require hospitalization, the patient stays at home. Depending on the selection of medical procedures, they can be performed in clinics or sanatoriums.